Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2018-10-15
Elanders continues to develop its offer within supply chain and print & packaging and has initiated a collaboration with the Edelmann Group, a global German packaging company with operations in, for instance, China, India, Germany and the US. At the same time Elanders has signed a contract to transfer its Beijing, China operations in Print & Packaging Solutions to Edelmann. This unit has nearly 170 employees and annual net sales of around MSEK 80. The deal is expected to be concluded during the fourth quarter 2018 and have a positive effect on cash flow of about MSEK 20 and a minor negative effect on the operating result.
The objective of the collaboration is to create a common platform in order to offer unique global solutions in supply chain management that include everything from packaging, kitting, fulfillment and warehousing to global deliveries.
Elanders has been established on the Chinese market since 2005 and currently has more than 900 employees in ten different units that are located in various parts of China.
The Edelmann Group has operations in nine countries, around 3,000 employees and offers packaging solutions for the health care, beauty care and consumer brand sectors.
For further information, please contact
Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, telephone: +46 31 750 07 50
Andréas Wikner, Chief Financial Officer, telephone +46 31 750 07 50