Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2014-12-17
The fourth quarter is expected to be considerably stronger than previously communicated and the result before tax for the year is expected to land in the interval MSEK 125-135 (102) including one-off items of MSEK -42 (5). Excluding one-off items the result before tax for the year is expected to be 70-80 percent better than 2013. All business areas have developed stronger than anticipated.
The positive development in profit is due to higher demand for the company’s products and services as well as the fact that the synergies created from acquisitions and organizational streamlining have had a greater impact than expected.
The improvement in profit stems from all business areas although the greatest contribution comes from Supply Chain Solutions. The business area has developed well throughout the year and, cleared from normal seasonal effects, demand has been much higher than expected in the fourth quarter, which has resulted in higher sales and better profits.
Demand increased in the business area Print & Packaging in several markets in the fourth quarter, which raised the result somewhat. In addition, the production synergies between the two business areas e-Commerce and Print & Packaging has generated a substantially more positive effect on the result than expected. Among other things, the cost benefits of increased photobook volumes has been greater than expected.
“Elanders currently has an attractive and global offer in Supply Chain and Print & Packaging. The fact that all our three business areas deliver better than expected shows that our measures to restructure and streamline our operations have been effective. We now intend to expand on the potential in our integrated customer offer”, says Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO for Elanders.
Improved forecast for the full year of 2014
During the fourth quarter there has been a greater demand for the company’s products and services, therefore the forecast for 2014 presented in the latest quarterly report has been surpassed. The previous forecast was “The result before tax for the full year of 2014, including one-off items, is forecasted to be on par with 2013.”
The revised forecast for the full year of 2014 is that the result before tax, including restructuring costs of MSEK -42, is expected to land in the interval MSEK 125-135. Excluding one-off items the result before tax for the year is expected to be 70-80 percent better than 2013.
For further questions, please contact
Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, telephone: +46 31 750 07 50
Andréas Wikner, CFO, telephone: +46 31 750 07 50
The information in this press release has been made public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. This information was published on 17 December 2014.