Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2010-04-26
The Annual General Meeting, led by Chairman of the Board Carl Bennet, resolved to:
- adopt the annual accounts for 2009
- discharge the members of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer from liability for the financial year 2009
- grant, according to the proposal in the summons to attend, the Board a remuneration of a total of SEK 2,375,000 to be divided among the members for the financial year 2010
- appoint, according to the proposal in the summons to attend, the following members to the Board until the next Annual General Meeting is held in 2011:
Carl Bennet (re-election)
Göran Johnsson (re-election)
Cecilia Lager (re-election)
Hans-Olov Olsson (re-election)
Kerstin Paulsson (re-election)
Johan Stern (re-election)
Tore Åberg (re-election)
Magnus Nilsson (new election) - appoint, according to the proposal in the summons to attend, Carl Bennet as Chairman of the Board
- appoint the following members to the nominating committee:
Carl Bennet, Carl Bennet AB (re-election)
Göran Erlandsson, representative for the small shareholders (re-election)
Hans Hedström, HQ Funds (re-election)
Nils Petter Hollekim, Odin Funds (re-election)
Caroline af Ugglas, Investment AB Latour and Skandia Liv (re-election) - adopt, according to the proposal in the summons to attend, the Board’s proposal for the remuneration of senior officers.
In his speech CEO Magnus Nilsson talked about a continued price press on the market. Elanders is countering this by moving production capacity and lower margin volumes from Western Europe mainly to our units in Eastern Europe and Asia. Customers are making higher demands on availability and Elanders is meeting them through automated and standardized processes. We are also working on developing local customers with global needs and the first step in this process is a global sales organization. In addition to greater opportunities for global production our customers will notice this through a broader product range.
The protocol from the Annual General Meeting will be available on the company homepage as soon as the minutes have been verified.
The Board of Directors