Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-10-24
In connection to the issuing of the Quarterly Report for the third quarter 2016 Elanders will have a Press and Analysts conference call on 7 November 2016, at 15:00 a.m. CET, hosted by President and CEO Magnus Nilsson and CFO Andréas Wikner.
We invite fund managers, analysts and the media to participate in the conference call. Please see below details to join the conference:
Sweden: +46 8 5033 6574
Germany: +49 69 2222 13484
UK: +44 203 043 2006
USA: +1 719 325 2226
Confirmation Code: 7290165
14:50 Conference number is opened
15:00 Review of the quarterly report
15:20 Q&A
16:00 End of the conference
During the telephone conference a presentation will be held. To access the presentation, please use this link:
Alternatively enter the Live Meeting site and log into the meeting using the Meeting ID and Password below:
Live Meeting:
Your Name: (Enter your name)
Meeting ID: 5947523
Meeting Password: pw7650
For further questions, please contact
Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, telephone: +46 31 750 07 50
Andréas Wikner, CFO, telephone: +46 31 750 07 50