Elanders AB (publ)
Flöjelbergsgatan 1 C, SE-431 37 Mölndal, Sweden
E-mail: info@elanders.com
Phone: +46 31 750 00 00
Visit us: Directions | Detailed map
Corporate identity no: 556008-1621
VAT no: SE556008162101
Magnus Nilsson
President and CEO, Elanders AB
Phone: +46 31 750 07 50
Åsa Vilsson
CFO, Elanders AB
Phone: +46 31 750 07 50
Peter Thyrén
Vice President, Business Development, Elanders AB
Phone: +46 31 750 01 25
John Nyberg
Director Group Sustainability, Elanders AB
Phone: +46 31 750 00 33
The Elanders Group has its subsidiaries worldwide. Each of them have their own specialty and alignment. No matter which of them you contact, you always have access to everything the Group can offer.
LGI Logistics Group International GmbH, Corporate HQ
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 10, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
Web: lgigroup.com
E-mail: info@lgi.de
Phone: +49 7031 2009 0
Mentor Media Ltd, Corporate HQ
No. 1, Bukit Batok Street 22, #0701 Singapore 659592
Web: www.mentormedia.com
E-mail: APACSales@mentormedia.com
Phone: +65-6631 3333
Fax: +65-6896 3826
Bergen Logistics, Corporate HQ
5903 West Side Ave, North Bergen, NJ 07047, USA
Web: bergenlogistics.com
E-mail: info@bergenlogistics.com
Phone: +1 201 854 1512
Kammac Ltd., Corporate HQ
M58 Distribution Centre, Gillibrands Rd, Skelmersdale, WN8 9TA, England
Web: www.kammac.com
E-mail: info@kammac.com
Phone: +44 1695 727272
Bishopsgate Specialist Logistics, Corporate HQ
Unit 1 Interface, Technology Drive, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, SN4 8SY, England
Web: bishopsgate.co.uk
E-mail: contactus@bishopsgate.co.uk
Phone: +44 1793 859 010
ReuseIT Sweden AB, Corporate HQ
Illervägen 13, 352 45 Växjö, Sweden
Web: reuseit.se
E-mail: info@reuseit.se
Phone: +46 470 70 35 00
Elanders Waiblingen GmbH, Corporate HQ
Anton-Schmidt-Straße 15, 71332 Waiblingen, Germany
Web: www.elanders.de
E-mail: info.germany@elanders.com
Phone: +49 71 51 95 63 0
Elanders Donauwörth GmbH
Am Stillflecken 4, 86609 Donauwörth, Germany
Web: www.elanders.de
E-mail: info@elanders-donauwoerth.com
Phone: +49 90 67 06 34 0
Elanders Kaisheim GmbH
Gewerbepark 5, 86687 Kaisheim, Germany
Web: www.elanders.de
E-mail: info@elanders-kaisheim.com
Phone: +49 90 99 96 95 0
Elanders Hungary Kft
Újmajor u. 2, 8999 Zalalövö, Hungary
Web: www.elanders.com/hun
E-mail: info.hungary@elanders.com
Phone: +36 92 57 25 00
Fax: +36 92 57 10 78
Elanders Hungary Kft
5100 Jászberény, Fémnyomó u. 1., Hungary
Web: www.elanders.com/hun
E-mail: info.hungary@elanders.com
Phone: +36 92 57 25 00
Fax: +36 92 57 10 78
Elanders Italy S.r.l.
Via Delle Industrie 8, 31050 Ponzano Veneto (TV), Italy
Web: www.elanders.com/ita
Phone: +39 422 44 22 53
Fax: +39 422 44 22 53
Elanders Polska Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Mazowiecka 2, 09-100 Płońsk, Poland
Web: www.elanders.com/pol, www.elanders.pl
E-mail: recepcja.plonsk@elanders.com
Phone: +48 23 662 23 16
Fax: +48 23 662 31 46
Wrocławska str. 33D, 55-095 Długołęka, Poland
Web: www.elanders.com/pol, www.elanders.pl
E-mail: recepcja.plonsk@elanders.com
Phone: +48 71 346 06 78
Elanders Sverige AB
Viared, Borås
Box 22035, 501 14 Borås, Sweden
Web: www.elanders.se
E-mail: info.sweden@elanders.com
Phone: +46 31 750 00 00
Vällingby, Stockholm
Box 518, 162 15 Vällingby, Sweden
Web: www.elanders.se
E-mail: info.sweden@elanders.com
Phone: +46 31 750 00 00
Elanders Ltd
Merlin Way, New York Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0QG, England
Web: www.elanders.co.uk
E-mail: addingvalue@elanders.com
Phone: +44 1912 80 04 00
Fax: +44 1912 80 04 01
Spreckley Limited
79 Arnold Road, Nottingham, NG6 0ED, England
Web: www.elanders.co.uk
E-mail: David.Clark@elanders.com
Phone: +44 115 978 3786
Midland Information Resources Company
5440 Corporate Park Drive, Davenport, IA 52807, USA
Web: www.elandersamericas.com
Phone: +1 563 359 3696
Fax: +1 563 823 7651
ElandersUSA, LLC
4525 Acworth Industrial Drive Acworth, Georgia 30101, USA
Web: www.elandersamericas.com
Phone: +1 770 917 70 00
Fax: +1 770 917 70 20
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