Annual General Meeting 2015
The Annual General Meeting 2015 was hold on Tuesday 28 April at 3 p.m. at Gothia Towers, Mässans gata 24, Gothenburg, Sweden.
In his speech the CEO Magnus Nilsson reported on Elanders’ global offer, developments in the three business areas and the positive trend in the number of global customers. He also described the Group’s focus for the near future on continued consolidation of European operations in Print & Packaging Solutions and increased cross sales between the business areas. Future acquisitions will be primarily in Supply Chain Solutions’ and e-Commerce Solutions’ fields of operation. Acquisitions in Supply Chain will be aimed at creating a strong foothold in Europe and North America while broadening its customer base with customers that want to expand internationally, particularly in Asia. The purpose of acquisitions in e-Commerce will be to supplement existing business with a player in a connected field that has more or less the same customer group. This in order to enable cross marketing and a more efficient use of its customer base.
Press releases
4/28/2015 Report from the Annual General Meeting 2015
3/23/2015 Notice to attend Elanders’ Annual General Meeting 2015
The Group’s guidelines for remuneration to senior officers
- Inbjudan årsstämma 2015 - SWE
- Kallelse-DI-2015 - SWE
- Proxy form_2015
- The nomination committee’s proposal to the Annual General Meeting 2015
- Uppföljning och utvärdering av ersättningar till verkställande direktören och andra ledande befattningshavare (SWE)
- Revisorsyttrande om ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare 2014 (SWE)
- The Board’s proposition for guidelines for remuneration to senior officers 2015
- Minutes - Annual General Shareholders' Meeting 2015 (SWE)