Annual General Meeting 2019
Elanders AB’s Annual General Meeting was hold on April 29, 2019, Gothia Towers, Mässans gata 24, Gothenburg, Sweden.
In his speech CEO Magnus Nilsson described Elanders’ current offer including new business and the opportunities and challenges the Group is facing. He emphasized the importance of Elanders prioritizing margins over growth. Focusing more the right kind of business and on value-adding services to customers is the way to improve margins.
Press releases
4/29/2019 Report from the Annual General Meeting 2019
3/27/2019 Notice to attend Elanders’ Annual General Meeting 2019
The Group’s guidelines for remuneration to senior officers
- Minutes - Annual General Shareholders' Meeting 2019 (SWE)
- Proxy form_2019
- The nomination committee’s proposal to the Annual General Meeting 2019
- Uppföljning och utvärdering av ersättningar till verkställande direktören och andra ledande befattningsh 2018 (SWE)
- The auditors’ opinion on the guidelines for remuneration to senior officers 2018
- The Board’s proposition for guidelines for remuneration to senior officers 2019
- Proposed new Articles of association 2019