The Board is elected by the Annual General Meeting and proposed by the nomination committee. The Board is ultimately responsible for the management of the company, monitoring the work of the Chief Executive Officer, and continuously following developments in operations as well as the reliability of the company’s internal control.
The Board also decides on significant changes in the organization, investments and divestitures, adopts strategies and goals, and approves the budget and annual accounts. The Board is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the Group has adequate systems for internal control, that the accounts are prepared, and that they are reliable when published. The Group and its management have several methods to control the risks connected to operations. The Board supports Group Management by continually monitoring and identifying business risks in a structured manner as well as steering the work in the Group in how it handles the most significant risks. The Board shall also identify how sustainability issues affect the company’s impacts, risks and business opportunities. In conclusion this constitutes the Board’s responsibility for corporate governance, which is regulated in the Board’s work plan.
Elanders Board members are evaluated and appointed based on the company’s business, development phase and other relevant circumstances. The diversity of education, knowledge, and experience as well as age and gender represented in the Board is also taken into account. When considering the election and re-election of Board members these factors have been used to make the Board as diverse and efficient as possible.
In accordance with Elanders’ articles of association the Board of Directors should consist of at least three and no more than ten members with a maximum of two deputies.
The Board has produced and adopted a work plan that regulates the division of responsibility between the Board, its Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer. It also includes a general meeting plan and instructions on financial and sustainability reports as well as the other matters that must be put before the Board. The work plan is revised once a year or as needed.
The Board has seven ordinary meetings per year; four of them in conjunction with the year-end report and quarterly reports, one meeting dedicated to strategic matters, one meeting to adopt the coming year’s budget and one constitutional meeting following the Annual General Meeting. In addition, the Board is called to further meetings as needed. The Group’s external auditors participate in the meeting that deals with the report for the first nine months of the year as well as the meeting regarding the year-end report to inform the Board in its entirety about the result of their audit.
At the constitutional meeting of the Board, the work plan and instructions for the Chief Executive Officer are reviewed and the customary decisions concerning authorized signatories are taken. In addition, the work plans for the remuneration and audit committees are adopted and their members appointed.
Chairman of the Board.
b. 1981.
M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and Management.
Elected in: 2017.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Chairman of the remuneration committee.
Other appointments: Deputy Chairman of the board of Carl Bennet AB and Lifco AB. Member of the board of Arjo AB, Getinge AB and Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.
Previous appointments: Management consultant at Applied Value LLC (New York office).
Shareholding (own and related parties): 30,283 Class B shares.
The Chairman leads and organizes the Board and is responsible for making sure the Board meets its responsibilities and that the members receive the information necessary to ensure the work done by the Board is of high quality and performed according to legal stipulations and the contract with the stock exchange. The Chairman of the Board must also make sure that during the year an evaluation of the Board’s work is carried out and that the nomination committee is informed of the results. The evaluation is carried out annually in the form of a questionnaire and encompasses the Board’s composition, remuneration, materials, administration, work methods, meeting content, reports from the committees, and education. In addition, the Chairman of the Board represents the company in ownership matters and communicates viewpoints from the owners to the Board. The Chairman of the Board is elected by the Annual General Meeting. Dan Frohm has been a board member of Elanders AB since 2017 and was elected Chairman of the Board at the Annual General Meeting in 2022.
Deputy Chairman of the Board.
b. 1951.
B.Sc in Business Administration, ec.Dr.h.c., med.Dr.h.c., tech.Dr.h.c.
Elected in: 1997.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Chairman of the nomination committee and member of the remuneration committee.
Other appointments: Chairman and CEO of Carl Bennet AB. Chairman of the board of Lifco AB. Deputy Chairman of the board of Arjo AB and Getinge AB. Member of the board of L E Lundbergföretagen AB.
Previous appointments: President and CEO of Getinge AB. Member of the board of Holmen AB.
Shareholding through companies: 1,814,813 Class A shares and 15,903,596 Class B shares.
Member of the Board.
b. 1966.
Master’s degree in business administration.
Elected in: 2023.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Member of the audit committee.
Other appointments: Chairman of the board of Fasadgruppen Group AB. Deputy Chairman of the board of Bico Group AB. Member of the board of Arjo AB, Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern AB, Lifco AB, Linc AB and Werksta Nordic AB.
Previous appointments: Partner Boston Consulting Group and Fagerberg & Dellby (private equity).
Shareholding: 10,000 Class B shares.
Member of the Board.
b. 1960.
Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Computer Science, Stockholm School of Economics and Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Elected in: 2021.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Chairman of the audit committee.
Other appointments: Chairman of the board of Nordlo, Omegapoint AB and Serline. Member of the board of AddLife AB, Arjo AB, Fagerhult Group AB and Smart Eye AB.
Previous appointments: Business Area Manager for Global Services and member of the management team for Nokia Networks and Nokia Siemens Networks. Leading roles within Ericsson, the operator 3 and Semcon. Chairman of the board of Proact and Semcon. Member of the board of Addtech, Knowit and Thule.
Shareholding (own and related parties): 15,000 Class B shares.
Member of the Board.
b. 1962.
Master of Laws.
Elected in: 2012.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Member of the remuneration committee.
Other appointments: Lawyer and partner of the law firm Vinge. Chairman of the board of Eldan Recycling A/S. Member of the board of BuildData Group AB, Carl Bennet AB and Lifco AB.
Shareholding: None.
Member of the Board.
b. 1963.
Academic education in law and business administration.
Elected in: 2023.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Member of the audit committee.
Other appointments: Member of the board of Lifco AB, Stena Metall AB and the Korsvägen Foundation (Universeum).
Previous appointments: Minister for Foreign Trade and Nordic Affairs. Deputy CEO of Almi Företagspartner. A number of senior positions within SEB.
Shareholding (own and related parties): 9,000 Class B shares.
Member of the Board.
b. 1956.
Business Administration.
Elected in: 2014.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Member of the audit committee.
Other appointments: Member of the branch board Handelsbanken Älvsborg.
Previous appointments: Chief Financial Officer of Carl Bennet AB. Group Controller at Ernström Holding AB. Finance Manager at JMS/Q Systemhydraulik AB. Chairman of the board of Entercircle Konfektion AB.
Shareholding: 6,892 Class B shares.
Member of the Board. President and CEO.
b. 1966.
Education in Graphic Technology, Design, Business Administration and Marketing.
Elected in: 2010. Employed in Elanders since 1999.
Shareholding: 107,577 Class B shares.
Member of the Board.
b. 1960.
Master’s degree in engineering.
Elected in: 2023.
Appointments on the Elanders Board: Member of the audit committee.
Other appointments: CEO of the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce. Member of the board of Maquire AB, the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Thomas Concrete AB and UNICEF Sweden.
Previous appointments: Regional manager for Schenker AB.
Shareholding (own and related parties): 100 Class B shares.
Employee representative.
b. 1963.
Elementary school and Medborgarskolan – decoration, advertising and interior design.
Elected in: 2023.
Work: Transport operator at Elanders Sverige AB.
Shareholding: 12 Class B shares.
Employee representative.
b. 1974.
Upper secondary education.
Elected in: 2015.
Work: Data and automation at Elanders Sverige AB.
Shareholding: 1,000 Class B shares.
Deputy employee representative.
b. 1979.
Upper secondary education.
Elected in: 2020.
Work: Warehouse worker at Elanders Sverige AB.
Shareholding: None
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