Nomination committee
The nomination committee prepares proposals for the Annual General Meeting concerning the election of, and remuneration to, the Chairman of the Board, Board members, committee members and external auditors, the latter having been proposed by the audit committee. The nomination committee meets as needed and at least once a year.
The nomination committee for the Annual General Meeting on 23 April 2025 is as follows:
Carl Bennet, Chairman of the nomination committee and contact, represents Carl Bennet AB.
Dan Frohm, Chairman of the Board.
Johan Ståhl, Svolder AB.
Jannis Kitsakis, Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund.
Viktor Henriksson, Carnegie Funds.
Shareholders who would like to submit proposals to Elanders’ 2025 nomination committee, can contact the nomination committee by e-mail at dmFsYmVyZWRuaW5nQGVsYW5kZXJzLmNvbQ== or by mail: Elanders AB, Att: Nomination committee, Flöjelbergsgatan 1 C, SE-431 37 Mölndal, Sweden.