Through its largest business area Supply Chain Solutions, Elanders is one of the leading companies in the world in global solutions for supply chain management. The range of services includes, among other things, taking responsibility for and optimizing customers’ material and product flows, everything from sourcing and procurement combined with warehousing to after-sales services.
The business area accounts for more than four fifths of the Group. It is within this area that Elanders sees big growth potential going forward. The market as a whole is expanding, outsourcing and e-commerce is increasing, and demand is driven by a globally growing middle class. New regulations and changing behavior patterns will probably have a major impact on future logistic flows, which puts high demands on the players who want to operate in the market. This favors a player like Elanders.
With innovative force and global presence, Elanders, through the business area Print & Packaging Solutions, offers cost-effective solutions that can handle customers’ local and global needs for printed material and packaging. In many cases, this is combined with advanced order platforms on the Internet, value-added services and just-in-time deliveries.
In general, the market for the business area is characterized by changes in demand and successive consolidation. Thanks to Elanders’ financial strength, this creates opportunities for the Group to gain market shares. There is an ongoing shift from traditional offset print with large editions towards digital print and more recipient-adapted products. Online print, that is a strategically prioritized area for the Group, continues to show organic growth.
The market is also impacted by increased regulation and environmental requirements, such as the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) which places high demands on companies trading with products originating from the forest to show sustainable due diligence in their operations and value chains.
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