– Daimler
Complexity in the automotive industry continues to grow and this requires major resources with extremely short lead times. The greatest challenge is to maintain top quality in spite of the enormous variation in production since each car is unique. Color scheme, surface materials, engine size, safety functions, fuel type, parking aids, automatic or manual transmission – each vehicle consists of thousands of unique components and modules for each individual model.
LGI is very knowledgeable in production logistics and helps companies to focus on their core business without sacrificing quality or safety.
Daimler’s factory produces over 1,000 finished Mercedes E-Class cars each day. No single car is like the other. Each vehicle has its own particular requirements and adaptations. In order to manage this the right components must be delivered to the production line at the right time in the right way. This is why Daimler has decided to focus on its core business and outsource parts of the production and actual assembly of some modules.
Since 2016 LGI is responsible for preassembling two modules for the Mercedes E-Class in premises located inside Daimler’s production unit. LGI assembles a front module and a display module used in the dashboard. These modules exist in up to 150 versions, each with specific properties and components.
LGI’s module assembly process is customized in every detail, from tools to shelves, and tweaked to maintain the highest quality as well as save space and be ergonomic to assemble. The assembly of the front module consists of seven consecutive workstations, each with an equal amount of time allotted for completion. In the last step six modules at a time are placed on a purpose-built cart that is then delivered to Daimler’s production line in exactly the right order. The modules are assembled a little over four hours before the final assembly takes place in Daimler’s main production line.
In addition to assembling the front and display modules LGI also delivers components to Daimler from over 25 different suppliers into the production unit and LGI supplies Daimler daily with about 15,000 units in the right order, directly into the production line from a warehouse close by.
Customer statement: ”We have an extensive and successful partnership with Elanders and LGI. They are a reliable supplier that knows our operations. We have chosen to focus on our core business and with so many models we need external help in order to manage the large quantity of components.” Thomas Glaser, Daimler Senior Manager