Managed Print Services
Elanders combines contract and transportation logistics throughout the entire supply chain and contributes to better customer relations.
One of the world’s largest suppliers of IT equipment also offers print and document management solutions, a so-called MPS solution. Through leasing companies can have an individually adapted multifunctional printer which can be exchanged as the needs of their business change. In 2017, Elanders began managing an entire supply chain for multifunctional printers in Germany and Benelux.
When an end customer orders a multifunctional printer it is customized at Elanders’ distribution hub in Hünxe, Germany. Trained technicians with broad expertise adapt the hardware, install the software and program customer-specific settings like IP addresses, host names and scanning alternatives. Elanders also makes sure the printer functions properly before it is delivered. Together with Elanders’ customer and the end customer, Elanders plans the delivery, and any possible challenges on location at the end customer which might affect transportation are evaluated. Narrow passageways, sensitive floors or getting into security-classed rooms are some examples.
The printers can weigh up to 90 kilos and the equipment is extremely sensitive to external impact, so they require special treatment. When the printer arrives at the end customer Elanders packs it up and places it where it belongs. The printer is started up and controlled and the customer’s personnel is trained to use and care for it. Old equipment may also be taken back for recycling or resetting which contributes to a sustainable, circular economy. Elanders expects to install and deliver around 10,000 printers annually. Because Elanders’ takes care of the installation of software and hardware, warehousing, delivery, printer installation and training, customers can focus on their core business.