Elanders is a public, Swedish limited liability company whose shares are registered under the symbol ELAN B on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange, Mid Cap list. Elanders follows the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance.
The role of corporate governance in Elanders is to create a good foundation for active and responsible ownership, a suitable distribution of responsibility between the different company bodies as well as good communication with all of the company’s interested parties.
Corporate governance in Elanders is based on legal requirements (primarily the Companies act and accounting regulations), the articles of association, NASDAQ OMX Stockholm’s issuer rules, internal regulations, policies and the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance.
The Elanders Group’s corporate governance, management and control are shared by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with the Companies Act, the articles of association as well as the Group Management. Shareholders appoint the company’s nomination committee, Board and external auditors at the Annual General Meeting.
For further information please see Elanders Corporate Governance Report 2024.
Corporate Governance Reports 2011-2024
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