Elanders AB’s Annual General Meeting was hold on April 28, 2021.
Due to the corona pandemic and to limit the risk for spreading the virus, Elanders AB (publ) held the Annual General Meeting electronically and by virtue of the temporary law applicable during 2021. The shareholders could only exercise their voting rights by attending remotely or by postal voting before the meeting.
In his speech CEO Magnus Nilsson described the Group’s business and development during 2020 and the first quarter 2021. This period has been characterized by the COVID-19 pandemic and a great deal of uncertainty in the world.
Despite this Elanders has handled the situation well. Starting with the second half-year of 2020 the Group has produced the best quarterly results ever, quarter after quarter.
Magnus Nilsson also presented the strategic investments made in Renewed Tech, an area where Elanders’ is now one of the leaders on the Swedish market. Investments have also been made in a new unit in northwestern Germany that is entirely dedicated to e-commerce, an area where the Group has grown considerably in recent years.
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