Added value
Net turnover minus material costs and forward invoiced disbursements for outwork.
Added value ratio
Added value in relation to net turnover.
Average number of employees
The number of employees at the end of each month divided number of months.
Average number of shares
Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period.
Capital employed
Total assets less liquid funds and non-interest bearing liabilities.
Capital turnover rate
Net sales in relation to average total assets.
Cash conversion
Operating cash flow, excluding considerations paid for acquisitions, in relation to EBITDA.
Cash-flow per share
Cash-flow from operating activities divided by the average number of shares.
Debt/equity ratio
Net debt in relation to reported equity, including non-controlling interests.
Dividend yield
Dividends in relation to average share price.
Earnings per share
Result for the year divided by the average number of shares.
Earnings before interest and taxes; operating result.
Earnings before interest, taxes and amortization; operating result plus amortization of assets identified in conjunction with acquisitions.
EBITA adjusted
Earnings before interest, taxes and amortization; operating result plus amortization of assets identified in conjunction with acquisitions adjusted for one-off items.
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; operating result plus depreciation, amortization and write-downs of intangible assets and tangible fixed assets.
EBITDA excl. IFRS 16 RTM adjusted
EBITDA excl. IFRS 16 RTM adjusted is calculated as the company’s reported EBITDA during the last twelve-month period (RTM) excluding IFRS 16 effects, one-off items and adjusted for proforma results for acquisitions.
Enterprise value
Market value plus net debt and non-controlling interests.
Equity per share
Equity divided by the number of outstanding shares at balance sheet date.
Equity ratio
Equity, including non-controlling interests, in relation to total assets.
Full time equivalents refers to number of employees converted to full-time positions.
Interest coverage ratio
Operating result plus interest income divided by interest costs.
Net debt
Interest bearing liabilities less liquid funds.
Operating cash flow
Cash flow from operating activities and investing activities, adjusted for paid taxes and financial items.
Operating cash flow per share
Operating cash flow divided by the average number of shares.
Operating margin
Operating result in relation to net sales.
Operating result
Earnings before financial items; EBIT.
P/E ratio
Share price at year-end in relation to earnings per share.
Profit margin
Result after financial items in relation to net turnover.
Proportion of risk capital
Risk capital in relation to total assets.
P/S ratio
Share price at year-end in relation to net turnover per share.
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Operating result in relation to average capital employed.
Return on equity
Result for the year in relation to average equity.
Return on total assets
Operating result plus financial income in relation to average total assets.
Risk capital
Equity plus deferred tax liabilities.
Turnover rate
Volume on the stock market divided by the average number of shares.