Essential risks and uncertainty factors
The Group’s major customers are primarily active in the manufacturing industry and agreements with these customers normally run over two or three years. Elanders’ ten largest customers represented 41 (45) percent of the total net sales in 2024. Elanders has one customer whose sales exceed 10 percent of the Group’s net sales. In 2024, sales to the Group’s largest customer amounted to 15 (17) percent while sales to the next largest customer amounted to 9 (9) percent of the total net sales. Sales to these customers are made to several of their divisions, on several continents and is based on multiple stand-alone agreements.
What Elanders does
Elanders’ strategy is not only to be a supplier to the larger customers but to be a strategic partner who builds the basis for long-term business relations. Elanders has worked together with several of the Group’s largest customers for many years.