A completely unique Annual Report from Elanders
After having photographed the hand of a model touching water the image was blown up around 325 times so that we could create 5,678 different and personalized covers. The finished image is on the first spread in the Annual Report and a marked area on each picture was then turned into a unique cover.
The international graphic group Elanders has taken the concept of personalized annual reports to a whole new level. The 2012 edition has 5,678 unique covers!
“We wanted to take the opportunity to exemplify what we can offer when it comes to personalized printing since we are one of the leaders in this area in the graphic industry,” comments Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO of Elanders.
What listed company doesn’t want to think their annual report is special? Elanders made it happen by deciding to design a completely unique cover for each copy of the 2012 Annual Report.
Seeing your name on printed matter is run-of-the-mill these days in ads and other market communication. Creating a completely unique cover for a large edition is a whole different story.
“We could do it thanks to our experience of working with big volumes of images, variable data and automated installations. It would have taken weeks to make these covers manually,” says Magnus Nilsson.
Another reason why Elanders put so much effort into the 2012 Annual Report was because Elanders were awarded The Best Annual Report for a Listed Company in 2011 from the Swedish Publishing Prize.
“We were given the award with the motivation “Elanders does so much more than just describe the company”. Even this year’s edition is focused on future developments in communications and how pivotal developments in digital print are for whether or not the graphic industry can keep or win new market shares.”
“What we see is a renaissance for the value of real things. After decades with virtual worlds printed media is still central, albeit in different roles and purposes,” states Magnus Nilsson.
Elanders Annual Report is produced in cooperation with More PR AB and Rubrik AB. The 5,678 unique covers have been produced in cooperation with Xerox Sverige AB.
On Thursday the 28th of March Elanders will publish its Annual Report for the fiscal year 2012 at elanders.com. The Annual Report will be sent to shareholders, certain customers and other interested parties.