Press Release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-07-26 In June 2016 Elanders signed a contract for the acquisition of all the shares in the German supply chain management company LGI Logistics Group International GmbH (“LGI”), which is one of the leading...
Press Release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-07-19 The German and Austrian competition authorities have now approved Elanders’ acquisition of LGI Logistics Group International GmbH. On the 17th of June 2016 Elanders announced signing a contract for the acquisition of all...
Press Release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-07-13 First six months Net sales increased to MSEK 2,077 (2,072). The operating result excluding one-off costs increased to MSEK 127 (117). Including one-off costs the operating result increased to MSEK 122 (117). The...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-06-29 In connection to the issuing of the Quarterly Report for the second quarter 2016 Elanders will have a Press and Analysts conference call on 13 July 2016, at 9:00 a.m. CET, hosted by...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-06-17 Today Elanders signed a contract for the acquisition of all the shares in the German supply chain management company LGI Logistics Group International GmbH (“LGI”), which is one of the leading players in...
Press Release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-04-28 The Annual General Meeting, led by Chairman of the Board Carl Bennet, decided to: adopt the annual accounts for 2015 discharge the members of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer from liability...
Press Release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-04-28 The first quarter Net sales amounted to MSEK 998 (1,006). The operating result before depreciation and write-downs (EBITDA) amounted to MSEK 85 (85). The operating result (EBIT) increased to MSEK 56 (54), while...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-04-14 In connection to the issuing of the Quarterly Report for the first quarter 2016 Elanders will have a Press and Analysts conference call on 29 April 2016, at 9:30 a.m. CET, hosted by...
Pressrelease from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-03-29 Shareholders in Elanders AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 28 April 2016 at 3 p.m. at Gothia Towers, Mässans gata 24, Gothenburg, Sweden. RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE Shareholders...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2016-03-24 Today, Thursday March 24, Elanders is publishing its Annual Report for 2015 on the company website The Annual Report is distributed by mail to shareholders, certain customers and other interested parties. Elanders...