Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2015-03-27 Today, Friday March 27, Elanders is publishing its Annual Report for 2014 on the company website The Annual Report is distributed by mail to shareholders, certain customers and other interested parties. Elanders...
Pressrelease from Elanders AB (publ) 2015-03-23 Shareholders in Elanders AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 28 April 2015 at 3 p.m. at Gothia Towers, Mässans gata 24, Gothenburg, Sweden. RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE Shareholders...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2015-02-27 Kevin Rogers began his career in the print industry over 27 years ago and has held various positions within Elanders UK, these positions include in operational management, sales & marketing and a member...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2015-02-26 Elanders AB’s nomination committee will propose a new member of the Board at the Annual General Meeting, Caroline Sundewall. Caroline Sundewall is currently the Chair of the Board of Cloetta and the Streber...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2015-01-27 January – December Net sales increased by 78 % and amounted to MSEK 3,730 (2,096). The operating result excluding one-off items increased to MSEK 217 (132), which is an improvement of 64 %...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2014-12-17 The fourth quarter is expected to be considerably stronger than previously communicated and the result before tax for the year is expected to land in the interval MSEK 125-135 (102) including one-off items...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2014-10-22 January – September Net sales increased by 76% and amounted to MSEK 2,631 (1,498). The operating result excluding one-off items increased to MSEK 108 (72), which is an improvement of 50% over last...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2014-10-10 “Elanders further strengthens its competitiveness in Print & Packaging in Europe. Negotiations with personnel organizations in Sweden have progressed to the point that Elanders can now estimate the scope of redundancy costs for...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2014-09-12 Elanders Sverige AB gives notice of redundancy affecting 120 employees, of which 90 in Mölnlycke, 20 in Vällingby and 10 in Värnamo. “The adjustment is necessary to ensure we retain our competiveness. Despite...
Press release from Elanders AB (publ) 2014-07-17 The first six months Net sales increased by 75 % to MSEK 1,761 (1,005). The operating result increased to MSEK 77 (51), which is an improvement of 51 % over the same period...