Elanders supplies its wide range of services within integrated supply chain management solutions through a number of subsidiaries in the larger business area Supply Chain Solutions. In addition, the Group offers cost effective solutions that can meet all of its customers’ needs for printed materials and packaging in the business area Print & Packaging Solutions. Together, the Group companies serve the six customer segments Automotive, Electronics, Fashion, Health Care, Industrial and Other on four continents. The most important markets are China, Germany, Singapore, Sweden, the UK and the USA.
Based in Germany, LGI is a leading logistics service provider globally offering a range of integrated solutions within supply chain management, from contract logistics to transport/forwarding services, regional or international, multichannel or omnichannel.
Headquartered in Singapore, Mentor Media is a leading provider of supply chain management solutions that are sustainable for customers, other stakeholders and the societies where it operates. The company’s extensive services are customized to meet client requirements.
Headquartered on the American east coast, Bergen Logistics is a leading contract logistics company and omnichannel expert capable of managing a great number of clients in an efficient and profitable way thanks to its proprietary technological platform CloudX.
The British company Kammac is a flexible and reliable contract logistics provider that provides supply chain management services to a wide range of companies within, for example, food and beverages and health care. The business model is lean and based on agility to meet customer requirements.
With more than 100 years of experience from the graphic industry, Elanders Print & Packaging offers concentrated, cost-efficient and innovative solutions making use of the efficiency and flexibility offered by the latest digital technology to fulfill its customers’ requirements locally as well as globally.
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