Transparency plays a central role in the Group’s governance and operations. Elanders strives to integrate and consolidate sustainability in management, business operations and regulatory compliance processes.
If you want to get into the details, see Elanders’ latest Annual and Sustainability Report.
Governance regarding sustainability matters is embedded in Elanders’ Board of Directors and group management. Ownership and agency to drive measures within the material areas are embedded in Elanders’ organization in order to ensure adjustments to the various operations’ priorities. Aspects connected to compliance are integrated in Elanders’ central governance framework.
Elanders has a whistleblower function where all stakeholders can report any violations of laws or regulations in Elanders or its value chain, for example in IT security, data confidentiality, environmental crime, corruption, human rights, discrimination or financial fraud. The person reporting is guaranteed anonymity and complete confidentiality.
To ensure that a sustainability perspective permeates governance of all subsidiaries and that they take the necessary steps within the prioritized areas, Elanders has three joint Group councils in addition to group management. These are People & Culture Council, Environment & Climate Council and IT Council. The members of these councils are relevant representatives of the subsidiaries as well as Group staff. The councils normally meet quarterly.
Elanders’ Code of Conduct comprises all employees, the Board of Directors and other people who act on behalf of Elanders. It stipulates the principles for actions and behavior in Elanders’ business and value chain. The principles support the OECD guidelines for multinational companies and the UN Global Compact.
In 2023, a total of 99 (81) percent of all white-collar workers at Elanders had completed the courses on the Anti-Corruption Policy and Code of Conduct.
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