Elanders wants to create attractive and safe work environments for its employees. To manage the company’s impact, Elanders has an established Code of Conduct and policies to prevent and manage risks in the work environment as well as in the value chain considering human rights.
Because the Group is growing globally, Elanders continues to create new jobs. Currently the Group has almost 8,000 employees, spread out among some 20 countries on four continents. For the most part subsidiaries are governed by the laws and regulations in their respective countries. Nonetheless, Elanders has a responsibility to ensure a culture marked by respect for both fellow human beings and the natural environment throughout the whole Group.
If you want to get into the details, see Elanders’ latest Annual and Sustainability Report.
Elanders’ work environment policy is found in the Group’s Code of Conduct where guidelines concerning identifying, managing and preventing potential health and safety risks are provided. The goal is to promote a good work environment and reduce the risk for work-related injuries and illness.
Management for each company is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct through further guidelines and policies that suit their specific operations.
Elanders has committed to respecting human rights, in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), The UN Declaration on Human Rights and The ILO’s declaration on fundamental principles and rights in working life. This is established in the Code of Conduct, which strictly prohibits any kind of forced labor, human trafficking and child labor. It is self-evident for Elanders to work for children’s right to education and protection of children from economic exploitation.
Elanders has developed a version of its Code of Conduct which is communicated to its suppliers and business partners. Currently, each subsidiary is responsible for identifying risks and making sure the Code of Conduct is also complied with in the value chain. In the same way that Elanders monitors its suppliers, Elanders is audited by customers on the basis of compliance with social conditions.
The Group is preparing for EU’s proposed directive on due diligence in the value chain (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, “CSDDD”). Large sections of the Group have related policies and procedures in place as required by Germany’s due diligence legislation, “LkSG”, that went into force on January 1, 2023.
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